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7 touches

Entretenir des partenariats Partenariats parascolaires et mise en place de programmes

After School Programs



If you can't get in touch with your ASP Contact, after the 2nd email without a response, we will go directly to the PTA President or Principal.  

Example Email:

Hi Principal Thomas – I hope you are well.  Our company Overtime Athletics has been running after school enrichment programs @ Columbus ES for and I’m trying to figure out who my point of contact is this year.  Can you help?  Last year it was Amir Hines – but I’m having difficultly getting in touch with him.  I’m holding a spot for Columbus ES but our schedule is getting full. Let me know when you can and thanks


When setting up Programs: 

If you are running the online registration, remember to:

  • Offer flyers

  • Create a coupon for your coordinator so his/her family can come free

  • Social Media Blasts mentioning the School/Partner

  • Email blast families that have registered to help 'Spread the word' (2-4 times before the programs start)

  • Update coordinators with enrollment numbers

  • Send rosters to:  Your Coordinator, Your Staff, Front Office Staff

  • Send Welcome Email to Families

  • If you MUST cancel a program, you do it immediately and make sure you CALL and EMAIL each family.  Make sure you confirm with your POC before doing so.


Building Enrollment

  • Sending flyers to all Partner Schools (If they allow)

  • Sending Marketing Emails to existing database about programs

  • Asking the PTA/School is they are sending emails out on your behalf

  • Yard Signs at the School

  • Postcards/Flyers on the Community Table at the school

  • Attending Back to School Nights

  • Social Media Advertising

  • Tap a Friend Campaigns

In-Session Marketing

  • Birthday Party Handouts/Announcements

  • Summer Camp Handouts

  • Winter/Spring Break Camp Handouts

  • Leagues/Clinics Handouts

Update the HUB

  • Updating Enrollment Numbers and Total Revenue


Constantly checking in with PTA Reps, Principals, Secretaries, ETC to see how programs are going and if they need anything.  We are also emailing participating families about what has been going on in our programs (Parents LOVE this information because it's hard to get info from the kids).  And we are communicating with our staff to see how they can be supported to running the best programs possible.  

Get into programs to evaluate your staff and programs.  Everytime you set foot into a school, you should let your POC know. 

Once all the programs have started, enrollment numbers should be inserted into the HUB.  On the Payment Page within the HUB, you can export your receivables and start invoicing schools/partners from Quickbooks.  The sooner you invoice, the sooner you get paid.  



Within the HUB each program has a link for a survey.  This link should be sent to all participants.  You want to know that good, bad, & ugly.  

Closing the Books

At the end of each session, review your accounts receivables on the HUB and Quickbooks; re-invoice anyone that hasn't paid from previous sessions.  If a school hasn't paid, we always send a reminder email to our coordinator letting them know we are trying to close the books on the previous session.  It's also a good time to make sure all received $$ on Jumbula is noted accurately on the HUB

Hand-Written Notes

It's a great habit to send a hand written note to all partners at the end of the year thanking them for their support and organization.  ​

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